
Terms and Conditions of Fifteen Seconds Ventures GmbH (FN 383921s) Hans-Resel-Gasse 24/4/59, 8020 Graz, Austria


Fifteen Seconds Ventures GmbH (Fifteen Seconds) is an international platform aimed at promoting entrepreneurial future and culture through education and training, and enabling meaningful, interdisciplinary exchange for creatives and forward thinkers. By providing selective learning content from the “best” in their field, the quality of entrepreneurial actions and thinking is to be promoted.

Fifteen Seconds operates an interactive micro-learning portal (the Portal) at www.fifteenseconds.com (the Website) and at learn.fifteenseconds.com, offering training and personal development opportunities for employees and teams within organizations, as well as for individuals (self-employed professionals of all kinds).

To use Fifteen Seconds’ services, registration on the Portal is required (see § 6 below). Selected content (e.g., information about specific services on the Portal) and general descriptions of Fifteen Seconds are also visible without registration.

Unless otherwise specified here, these Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) govern the legal and economic framework for the use of the Website (including its functions, content, and applications), the Portal, and all services, content, data, products, materials, and mobile applications accessible through it.


§ 1 Definitions

Unless otherwise specified or defined in these T&Cs, the following terms and definitions apply:

T&Cs: These Terms and Conditions in their current version, as the exclusive basis for Fifteen Seconds’ services to the user.

App: Mobile applications for using the product or product range.

Authorized Users: Any natural or legal person authorized by a customer via access authorization to use the Portal with the services activated for the respective customer account.

Privacy Policy: Fifteen Seconds’ privacy policy, which, along with these T&Cs, forms the contractual basis for using the Portal and services; available at (www.#.com/#).

Intellectual Property: Patents, trademarks, copyrights, including rights to trade and business secrets, design, utility, and taste patterns, know-how, and other proprietary rights and usage rights in connection with the Website, the Portal, the services, and content.

Hardware: Hardware from Fifteen Seconds temporarily provided as part of the services.

Content: The content provided through the Portal, including interviews, data, information, (bonus) materials, and other content related to corporate and entrepreneurial learning and teaching content, as well as the personal development of employees, teams, self-employed professionals, and individuals.

Services: Services, documents, content, materials, and hardware of all kinds provided to customers and authorized users via access to the Portal through a corresponding customer account.

Fifteen Seconds: Fifteen Seconds Ventures GmbH (FN 383921s) Hans-Resel-Gasse 24/4/59, 8020 Graz.

Customer: Any user, domestic or foreign, who has properly registered on the Website to access all services, including functionalities and applications of the Portal, through a specially generated customer account (“User Interface”).

Customer Account: An individually created “user account” for the customer, activated for access to the Portal and selected services upon registration.

User Content: Content published by customers and/or authorized users on the Portal or through a customer account.

Usage Right: Limited usage right of the customer regarding access to the Portal and selected services or content. The nature, scope, and legal nature of the usage right are described in detail in § # of these T&Cs.

Usage Contract: The legal transaction between Fifteen Seconds and the customer based on these T&Cs.

Portal: Fifteen Seconds’ micro-learning platform, available at (www.#.com/#).

Registration: Registration of a customer on the Portal and the opening of a customer account.

Software: Software, software-based applications, and technologies included in the services and/or required for their use by customers.

Affiliated Companies: Companies belonging to the corporate group of Fifteen Seconds (§ 189a, number 8 UGB).

Website: Fifteen Seconds’ interactive website, available at <www.fifteenseconds.com>, where the product range is provided, marketed, and commercially distributed.

Access Authorization: Authorization granted by Fifteen Seconds to a customer-authorized user to use a customer account to access the Portal and the services activated for that customer account.

The above definitions are intended to facilitate the reading and understanding of these Terms and Conditions. They represent a selection of frequently used terms, which should always be understood and interpreted in the context of the relevant provision of these Terms and Conditions.

In case of disagreements regarding the content of IT terms and symbols, quality requirements, format requirements, or similar, these T&Cs serve as an interpretation aid.

§ 2 Scope

Fifteen Seconds offers services on or through the Portal solely based on these T&Cs and their privacy policy.

These T&Cs apply until revoked in the current version for the use of the Website, including (sub-)domains or apps, access to the Portal, the opening of a customer account, the use of services, and all legal relationships between the customer and Fifteen Seconds in connection with the services activated for customers and authorized users.

Fifteen Seconds reserves the right to change or adjust these T&Cs or parts thereof. Changes/adjustments to the T&Cs will be announced via the Website and through a notification via the customer account or the last provided email address of the customer and will become effective 14 days after the announcement. Changes to the scope of services by Fifteen Seconds (see § 4.#) and for legal reasons will take effect immediately.

Currently, the T&Cs are available to the customer in German and English. Upon request and at the customer’s expense, Fifteen Seconds will provide a translation of the T&Cs into the customer’s native or country language.

§ 3 Contract Conclusion

When registering a customer account on the Portal, each customer must explicitly declare their agreement to the T&Cs and the privacy policy by activating the field provided for this purpose (“checkbox”). Services and products described on the Website or Portal are non-binding representations or advertisements of all available services.

Offers from Fifteen Seconds (service descriptions, brochures, catalogs, price lists, etc.) are non-binding and should be understood as an invitation to the customer to make an offer to conclude a contract. A usage contract is concluded by acceptance of an offer by Fifteen Seconds, either by sending an order confirmation by mail, fax, or email, or directly by activating the customer account on the Portal and providing the activated and accessible services through the customer account.

All information in printed materials, catalogs, advertisements, price lists, and other information and advertising materials from Fifteen Seconds does not serve as a basis for any claims by the customer and represents only a general description of service contents.

The customer is obliged to provide all requested information about their identity, legal, and business capacity by submitting official documents, such as commercial register extracts, ID cards, and registration certificates, and proof of their signing or representation authority upon written request. Fifteen Seconds is entitled to verify all data provided by the customer, particularly but not exclusively their creditworthiness.

Fifteen Seconds is entitled to reject the conclusion of a contract with the customer if:

• There are justified doubts regarding the identity, legal capacity, or legal personality of the customer;

• There is a justified suspicion of misuse of the services, especially software included in the scope of services or other applications provided by Fifteen Seconds during order processing;

• Other circumstances exist that make a contractual relationship with the customer unreasonable from Fifteen Seconds’ perspective.

Any contract fees are to be borne by the customer. This also applies to taxes and other charges incurred in connection with the contract conclusion. Any necessary permits or approvals, whether private or public, required for the operation or use of Fifteen Seconds’ services are solely the customer’s responsibility. This includes obtaining and bearing the costs.


If a customer is a consumer within the meaning of § 1 of the Consumer Protection Act (KSchG) and has registered on the Website for a purpose that is neither commercial nor related to their independent professional activity, the following provisions apply to this customer:

Right of withdrawal. The customer can withdraw from the concluded usage contract in writing, e.g., by letter, fax, or email, without giving reasons, within 14 days (i) from the day of the contract conclusion or, in the case of contracts for the delivery of goods, (ii) from the day of delivery of the goods. The withdrawal must be made using the withdrawal form provided to the customer at the time of contract conclusion on a durable medium.

The withdrawal is to be sent to:

Fifteen Seconds Ventures GmbH, Hans-Resel-Gasse 24/4/59 or via email to hello@fifteenseconds.com

Consequences of withdrawal. In the event of a withdrawal, the contractual relationship between Fifteen Seconds and the customer is considered terminated. Received services must, if possible, be returned or refunded, or appropriate compensation must be provided. This may result in the customer having to fulfill contractual payment obligations for the period until the withdrawal. Obligations to refund payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for the customer with the sending of the withdrawal declaration, and for Fifteen Seconds with its receipt.

Acknowledgment of the right of withdrawal: The customer confirms upon contract conclusion that they have been informed of their right of withdrawal.

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