
Master Performance

Master Performance

From Overwhelmed To Productive with Katie Stoddart

From Overwhelmed To Productive with Katie Stoddart

10 Episodes


85 Minutes






One-Minute Trailer

One-Minute Trailer

One-Minute Trailer

This season is ideal for high achievers, people pleasers, and procrastinators who struggle with feeling overwhelmed. Whether you’re a busy professional, a leader, or anyone looking to improve productivity and work-life balance, these insights will help you enjoy your journey to high performance.

This season is ideal for high achievers, people pleasers, and procrastinators who struggle with feeling overwhelmed. Whether you’re a busy professional, a leader, or anyone looking to improve productivity and work-life balance, these insights will help you enjoy your journey to high performance.

Target Audience

About This Season

In this comprehensive season, you will learn how to transition from feeling overwhelmed to becoming highly productive. We’ll explore essential strategies to transform your work habits and improve your well-being. You’ll identify different types of overwhelm, set clear directions, and discover effective planning strategies. Learn to establish boundaries, enhance focus, and manage your energy levels. Cultivate self-discipline, add fun to your work, embrace continuous learning, and recharge effectively. By the end, you’ll have a toolkit to manage overwhelm, boost productivity, and achieve a sustainable work-life balance.

What You'll Learn


Techniques to set clear directions and achievable goals.

Strategies to establish strong personal and professional boundaries.


Methods to enhance focus and enter the state of flow.


Practical steps to cultivate self-discipline and momentum.







Transform Overwhelm into Productivity: Practical Strategies for Work-Life Balance and Success

Transform Overwhelm into Productivity: Practical Strategies for Work-Life Balance and Success

Take control of your work and life with practical strategies to reduce stress and boost productivity. Join us on a journey to transform your habits, enhance your performance, and achieve a balanced, fulfilling work-life. Start today and see the impact on your well-being and success!


Episode 1: Direction

  • Identify symptoms and types of overwhelm

  • Explore cognitive, emotional, and alignment overwhelm

  • Understand different overwhelm personas: High Achiever, People Pleaser, Procrastinator

  • Define a clear direction for the next few months

  • Use the Wheel of Work to assess areas contributing to overwhelm

  • Set a specific goal to focus on during the season

Episode 2: Planning

  • Plan your day with proactive strategies

  • Start your day with the most important task (MIT)

  • Implement time blocking to prioritize tasks

  • Use the Eisenhower Matrix to manage urgent vs. important tasks

  • Apply Parkinson’s Law to increase productivity

  • Review your day to celebrate wins and track progress

Episode 3: Boundaries

  • Establish internal boundaries based on personal values

  • Shift from high achiever to high performer by focusing on the journey

  • Balance consideration and courage to avoid people pleasing

  • Manage procrastination by facing fears and breaking tasks into smaller steps

  • Use the “sandwich no” method to decline requests gracefully

Episode 4: Focus

  • Understand the drawbacks of multitasking and benefits of single-tasking

  • Train your focus and manage emotions to enhance concentration

  • Enter the state of flow for peak performance

  • Create a flow chart to identify and optimize high-flow activities

  • Discover your zone of genius and spend more time in it

Episode 5: Energy

  • Recognize your circadian and ultradian rhythms

  • Plan your day according to energy levels

  • Implement habits that boost energy: sleep, exercise, nutrition, and socializing

  • Create an energy map to track daily and weekly fluctuations

  • Adjust work habits based on personal energy cycles

Episode 6: Discipline

  • Build self-discipline through the PAW method: Pause, Awareness, Willpower

  • Use the monk hour/week to focus deeply on tasks

  • Enhance self-discipline by prioritizing vitality and energy

  • Be proactive in your work and maintain momentum

  • Apply the Kaizen principle for continuous improvement

Episode 7: Fun

  • Understand the importance of fun for productivity and creativity

  • Learn the neuroscience of fun and intrinsic motivation

  • Increase autonomy, purpose, and mastery in your work

  • Gamify tasks to make them more enjoyable

  • Track and celebrate both input and output wins

Episode 8: Grow

  • Embrace continuous learning for motivation and happiness

  • Develop a growth mindset to overcome challenges

  • Use active recall for effective learning and memory retention

  • Apply the Kaizen cycle for ongoing improvement

  • Dedicate regular time to learning and education

Episode 9: Recharge

  • Understand the importance of macro and micro recharges

  • Take regular breaks and time off to avoid burnout

  • Spend time in nature to rejuvenate

  • Incorporate daily practices like journaling and meditation

  • Create a recharge plan and time block it into your calendar

Episode 10: Reflection

  • Use reflection to solidify learning and progress

  • Implement journaling and work with a coach for deeper insights

  • Regularly review progress on goals and adjust as needed

  • Conduct a personal audit using the ten pillars of high performance

  • Celebrate achievements and plan for sustainable high performance

Katie Stoddart

Katie Stoddart

About the Speaker

Katie Stoddart, founder & CEO of ‘The Focus Bee,’ is an award-winning, transformative coach and conscious leadership facilitator. Katie supports entrepreneurs and companies to reach and sustain peak performance in their business. She is dedicated to empowering people to lead with greater joy, alignment, and purpose, so they can thrive in both their life and work.

Katie started her career as an engineer, working offshore, mapping the seafloor. From her time at sea, she gained the experience of leading teams under stressful circumstances. During her career, Katie has explored two of the greatest mysteries and unknowns: the infinity of the ocean and the depth of the human psyche.

Passionate about leadership, performance, and mindfulness, Katie is frequently invited to speak and host conferences. She has, among others, spoken at Mindvalley, Women in Tech, Fifteen Seconds, and hosted a TEDx event (as MC) in Gothenburg. For her weekly podcast, ‘The Focus Bee Show,’ Katie interviews international leaders and high performers.





Start your journey today and learn the skills for transformative times.






Start your journey today and learn the skills for transformative times.






Start your journey today and learn the skills for transformative times.


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