
Connect for Success

Connect for Success

Effective Networking for Personal and Professional Growth with Peter Mandeno

Effective Networking for Personal and Professional Growth with Peter Mandeno

12 Episodes


70 Minutes






One-Minute Trailer

One-Minute Trailer

One-Minute Trailer

This season is designed for professionals at any career stage who seek to enhance their networking skills. Whether you’re an emerging leader, a seasoned executive, or an entrepreneur, you’ll benefit from learning how to create and maintain impactful connections. Ideal for anyone looking to improve collaboration, team dynamics, or simply build a stronger network.

This season is designed for professionals at any career stage who seek to enhance their networking skills. Whether you’re an emerging leader, a seasoned executive, or an entrepreneur, you’ll benefit from learning how to create and maintain impactful connections. Ideal for anyone looking to improve collaboration, team dynamics, or simply build a stronger network.

Target Audience

About This Season

Discover how to master the art of human connectivity and transform your career and personal life. This season explores the journey of connecting, from understanding its value to overcoming modern challenges. You’ll learn how to make meaningful connections by design, leveraging the latest research and practical techniques. Dive into topics like forming trust, realizing value, and maintaining important relationships. Gain insights into why connections are more difficult today and strategies to navigate these complexities. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the skills to intentionally build and sustain valuable connections, enhancing both your success and joy.

What You'll Learn


The importance of human connectivity in career success.


Techniques to build deliberate and meaningful connections.


Strategies to navigate modern connectivity challenges.


Practical steps to form and maintain strong relationships.







Enhance Your Career and Happiness Through Mastering Human Connections

Enhance Your Career and Happiness Through Mastering Human Connections

Don’t leave your professional success and personal happiness to chance. Take the next step in mastering the art of human connectivity with our in-depth, practical season. Apply the insights and techniques learned to build intentional, valuable connections that propel your career and enhance your well-being. Join us now and start transforming your networking approach today!


Episode 1: Introduction

  • Importance of human connections

  • Connection and career success

  • Enhancing team dynamics

  • Connection in entrepreneurship

  • Human connectivity research insights

Episode 2: The Value of Human Connection

  • Value from connections: TIE (Transactional, Intellectual, Emotional)

  • Re-evaluating existing connections

  • Broader perspective on connections

  • Story of missed opportunity at a startup event

  • Connections as a long game

Episode 3: Challenges in Modern Connectivity

  • Trends affecting connectivity: globalisation, optimisation, decentralisation

  • Evolution of work and connectivity challenges

  • Strategies to understand and connect better

  • Importance of strategic human connectivity

  • Balancing technology and personal connections

Episode 4: The Connector’s Journey

  • Connector’s Journey phases: Finding, Forming, Realising, Maintaining, Disconnecting

  • Importance of each phase

  • Practical tips for finding connections

  • Emphasis on being deliberate in connecting

  • Categorising connections based on phases

Episode 5: Finding the Right Connections

  • Importance of the Finding phase

  • Five ways to find connections: Stipulated, Sought, Suggested, Seduced, Serendipitous

  • Advantages of different finding methods

  • Techniques to improve finding

  • Creative ways to find relevant connections

Episode 6: Forming Strong Connections

  • Forming connections and building trust

  • Types of trust: Affective and Cognitive

  • Similarity and familiarity in forming connections

  • Influence of cultural diversity on forming

  • Strategies to accelerate forming connections

Episode 7: Realising Connection Value

  • Realising value in connections

  • Effective asking using the STEP framework

  • Specific, Timely, Easy, and Personal asks

  • Role of emotional and intellectual value

  • Tips for crafting effective asks

Episode 8: Maintaining Connections Over Time

  • Maintaining connections over time

  • Active vs. Passive connections

  • Current vs. Future value potential

  • Techniques for maintaining connections

  • Importance of digital tools in maintaining connections

Episode 9: Mastering the Art of Disconnecting

  • Importance of Disconnecting

  • Absolute vs. Relative disconnecting

  • Pre-announcing disconnections

  • Offering departing gifts

  • Combining disconnecting with finding new connections

Episode 10: Individual Factors in Connectivity

  • Introduction to individual and social factors

  • Four individual factors: Ability, Apathy, Apprehension, Attitude

  • Influence of individual factors on connectivity

  • Strategies to improve individual factors

  • Reflection on personal connectivity challenges

Episode 11: Social Factors in Connectivity - Part 1

  • Introduction to social factors

  • First four social factors: Abundance, Affinity, Applicability, Asymmetry

  • Managing abundance in connections

  • Finding common ground for affinity

  • Recognising hidden applicability

  • Balancing asymmetry in connections

Episode 12: Social Factors in Connectivity - Part 2

  • Remaining social factors: Authenticity, Authority, Availability, Awareness

  • Importance of authenticity in connections

  • Navigating authority dynamics

  • Ensuring availability for connections

  • Increasing awareness among potential connections

Peter Mandeno

Peter Mandeno

About the Speaker

Peter Mandeno is an expert in the science of human connection. His work helps move us beyond simply understanding why connections matter to instead show us how to improve our ability to connect to others – by design.

A native of New Zealand, Peter earned his PhD in Design Engineering from Imperial College London – recently ranked second in the world. His research built on more than two decades of  industry experience working with some of the world’s biggest companies from ABN AMRO and GSK to KPMG and Vodafone helping them to communicate more powerfully and designing experiences that got diverse teams connecting more effectively and authentically.

Peter’s approach is practical, applicable and accessible, making it relevant to people in all stages of their careers – from starters to senior leaders. In addition to delivering inspirational keynotes and teaching masterclasses to organizations and academic institutions alike, Peter advises and consults globally on a broad range of human connectivity challenges from employee engagement and hybrid work strategies to improving the connectedness of members of industry networks and ecosystems. Peter’s book – ‘Better Connected’ – is due to be published in 2025.





Start your journey today and learn the skills for transformative times.






Start your journey today and learn the skills for transformative times.






Start your journey today and learn the skills for transformative times.


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