
Designed for those, who never stop learning.

Designed for those, who never stop learning.

Designed for those, who never stop learning.

Über uns

Wir glauben an lebenslanges Lernen. Deshalb entwickeln wir Produkte und Erlebnisse, die tiefgehende Verbindungen schaffen und die Fähigkeiten für morgen vermitteln. Seit 2014 unterstützen wir Organisationen und Menschen dabei, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten.

Über Neugierde

Die Neugier treibt alles an, was wir tun. Wir sind eine Bewegung, die die Grenzen der Kreativität auslotet, um Menschen und Organisationen zu helfen, sich eine Zukunft vorzustellen, in der sie leben möchten. Indem wir uns nie mit dem Status Quo zufrieden geben, unterstützen wir unsere globale Community von Denkern und Machern, Wachstum und Innovation voranzutreiben.

Wir gestalten Erlebnisse, die inspirieren, Netzwerke bilden und Veränderungen bewirken.


Stefan Stücklschweiger

Co-Founder, Co-CEO

Since the foundation of Fifteen Seconds in 2012, Stefan grew its festival into Europe's largest future conference and expanded the global reach of the movement through community events in cities like Detroit and Cape Town until 2024. Early in his career, he scaled Austria’s first digital nightlife community and helped build a pioneering sports data company, managing a global network and opening an office in Kuala Lumpur at age 21. With extensive experience in building and scaling sales organizations, he has driven growth across various sectors, including digital platforms. Additionally, he is actively involved in advising startups and shares his knowledge as a guest lecturer at universities and through participation in various community initiatives.

Thiemo Gillissen

Co-Founder, Co-CEO

Having dropped out of high school at the age of 15, Thiemo is a true believer of life-long learning and a strong advocate of leading continuous change and driving innovation. After opening his own creative studio as a teenager in 2008, starting an award-winning human rights journalism project, two years of working as a software user experience designer and three years leading marketing for a millennial travel/leisure business, his entrepreneurial career led to co-founding Fifteen Seconds as a platform for like-minded individuals. He has over a decade of experience in building design-led, culture-driven companies as an entrepreneur. From 2017 to 2023, he helped transform the renowned strategy and design company moodley as managing partner to become a leading digital powerhouse and helped drive international expansion.

Samantha Yarwood

Chief Curiosity Curator

Samantha is driven by the motto “Connecting people to accelerate impact,” reflecting her commitment to helping leaders thrive amid complexity and uncertainty to create meaningful global change. With over 20 years of experience as a global leader, connector, speaker, and intrapreneur, she has successfully designed and delivered transformational solutions for a diverse range of organizations, from startups to blue-chip companies, fostering environmental and social impact. Samantha is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration focused on Leadership at Durham University and Emlyon. She also holds an Executive Masters of Change from INSEAD and has completed leadership and coaching programs at THNK and CTI. As a facilitator, coach, and consultant, Samantha specializes in leadership development, organizational strategy, and human behavior, dedicating herself to cultivating growth and potential in leaders at all levels.

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